Death has struck again in Nollywood as veteran actor, Amaechi Mounachi, has been reported dead. Three weeks after the passing of comic actor, John Okafor, Mr. Ibu, the Nigerian movie industry is mourning again. It was reported that the veteran passed away after a protracted battle with kidney disease, diabetes, and stroke.
The news of his demise was posted by Morris Monye, chairman of Delta State Sports Association via his X-handle.
According to Morris, “Deeply heartbroken by the news of Amaechi Muonagor’s passing. He was a talented Nollywood actor whose presence on our screens was truly masterful.
“We watched with concern as he battled health issues, offering whatever support we could to help him seek treatment in India.
“This tragic loss highlights the need for better healthcare in our country.”
Also confirming the sad event, actor and film director, Ugeze J. Ugeze said “Muonagor gave his all. He was somebody I directed several times. God knows the best.”